Dirty Dancing and Confidence: Isn't it Time to Pull Yourself Out of the Corner?: https://piperlarson.com/dirty-dancing-confidence/

“Nobody puts Baby in a corner.”

Remember that line?

I’ll admit: I’ve seen Dirty Dancing more than a couple of times. And when Patrick Swayze’s character speaks those famous words to Jennifer Grey’s character, and pulls her away from the table … I always feel a little giddy.

In that moment, there’s a sense that she’ll never be the same again. She’s stepping into the spotlight, not just on the dance floor, but in her life. In the minutes that follow, you can can almost feel her confidence building. It seems she’ll no longer be satisfied with quietly blending into the background.

Good stuff, right?

After all, allowing yourself to be truly seen and heard is vital for sharing the unique qualities that only you have.

But how often do we put ourselves in the corner?

Maybe you’re doing it right now by:

… not speaking up

… not being as visible as you could be in a professional capacity, in relationships, or life in general

… fading into the background while deep down you know you have something to offer

The language of hiding

Staying in the corner often starts innocently. In fact, I don’t think many even realize they’re doing it. But soon it can become the new normal.

See if any of the following statements sound familiar:

  • I’m not quite ready (but no matter how much time passes, you continue to feel “not quite ready”)
  • I’m waiting until …
  • Maybe when I’m thinner/more experienced/more confident, etc.

If you regularly use any of the above statements, you might have put yourself into a corner. The thing is: in the movie, Patrick Swayze came to the rescue. But in real life, that responsibility is yours. You’ll need to pull yourself out of the corner.

It’s a matter of starting, and then letting confidence build from there. Just like Baby learning to dance. Her confidence grew throughout the movie as a result of her experiences.

Confidence doesn’t come from waiting. It’s a byproduct of taking action. (Click to Tweet)

Are you ready to step out of the corner?

The world is waiting for your unique gifts, personality, and insight.

Come on out. We need you.


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