The Best Advice You're Probably Not Taking:

Are you missing out on some of the best guidance out there? I sure was.

It affected my career choices, my relationships with others, and even my relationship with food.

I thought my ability to research and reason my way through decisions made me smart. I thought it was the only way to get things done. Little did I know, I was silencing the best navigational tool I had.

By doing this, I ended up feeling lost. Eventually, I had trouble finding my true north.

I’m talking about the guidance of intuition.

Intuition can play a role in nearly all facets of life. It’s that inner GPS that can guide you to your best choices. It’s a deep wisdom that comes from getting out of conscious thought and dropping into the knowing place we each have.

From choosing what exercise to do on any given day to finding your calling, it can gently lead you to what is most aligned for you.

Intuition even affects food choices.

As a classic over-thinker who relied heavily on books and other external methods, trusting my intuition was a struggle. Sure, I could look back and see how not trusting my inner knowing hurt me … many, many times. But in the moment, it was tough to hear or trust that little voice.

How to hear intuition

In fact, that’s one of the most helpful things I learned. It is a little voice. Tiny and quiet.

A whisper, not a shout.

When it comes to food amounts and choices, it often plays out something like this:

You’re thinking about having another serving, and for a split second something inside you says, “You’ve already had enough. You’re good right where you are.”

How we unknowingly shut down intuition

However, after years of dieting we get accustomed to repeatedly looking outside ourselves for guidance. We’re up in our thoughts, calculating numbers instead of tuning in to our inner knowing. So that whisper of guidance is quickly overpowered by a thought something like this:

“I still have 3 points (or 120 calories, or one snack choice, etc) left. I’m eating this!”

And just like that, inner guidance is silenced.

Dieting often silences intuition. (Click to Tweet)

I’m not saying external advice is always a negative thing. We all need that sometimes. I’m talking about those times when we override internal wisdom because we don’t listen for our inner guidance, or don’t trust it when we do hear it.

Sound familiar?

If so, try giving it a chance. It might just become you new best friend.

What is your intuition telling you?

Intuition can be your most trusted adviser. Its sage wisdom is available to you in nearly every moment. I’ve now learned to use my intuition for:

  • food choices and amounts
  • business decisions
  • exercise choices
  • helping clients
  • plus much more

Do you currently have a question that might be answered from within? If so, see if tapping into intuition’s quiet voice can give you the wisdom you’re seeking. Give yourself some time to become accustomed to hearing your intuition. And then always remember to only do what feels reasonable and makes sense to you.


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