photo collage: Piper Larson, beach, lighthouse

Your dream is waiting

They say “be careful what you wish for.” But for me, what began as a cruel cosmic joke, taught me the vital missing link to how most people practice manifestation.

Many years ago I hit a rough patch in my finances. I’d heard about manifestation and so daily I’d attempt to emotionally contort myself into the right “vibration“ in order to create the reality I wanted.

Nothing much happened.

Trying to change my energy in the middle of a fearful state was about as effective as telling someone to “just to calm down” while they are having an anxiety attack. 

My nervous system was not cooperating, to say the least.

Piper Larson
Piper Larson childhood photos

Make your request

So I did what I was taught as a girl … I prayed. 

Or more like negotiated with God. My prayer was always the same: I don’t need a lot. But just “a little money” will get me through. Please God, a little money.

Again and again and again…

A little money

A little money

A little money

Days turned into weeks …

Then one day a friend of mine mentioned they’d run across something I might like, as they remembered that I had at one time collected coins.

“The vision you have for your life and business is what’s meant for you.

You were born for this!”

-Piper Larson

A direct message from the Universe

I held out my hand to receive the trinket.

When I looked down, in my hand was one of those sleeves that normally holds collectible coins. This sleeve contained 5 tiny, imitation coins. But it was the wording on the sleeve that absolutely stopped me in my tracks …

“A little money”

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

I hadn’t shared my prayer with anyone. Therefore I knew this wasn’t a joke being played on me by my friend.

No, it was communication from the Divine. A clarion call demonstrating not only the immense power of God/Spirit/Source, but also the co-creative power within me (and all of us!) through thoughts, words, and actions.

God was trying to get my attention. And having such a surprising person literally hand me that message in physical form did just that.

Armed with this information, I changed my prayer from “a little money” to my true desire.

Because we are never meant to settle for anything less than everything that’s meant for us. Lesson learned!

Small sleeve with imitation coins. Outside of it is labeled “a little money”
Desktop with books, glasses, paperclips, keyboard

An accidental discovery

Unlocking the Mystery of Manifestation 

Unfortunately, it wasn’t quite that simple. There was another big hurdle. And anyone who’s journaled hundreds of pages and has recited thousands of affirmations over the years knows what I’m talking about! 🙋‍♀️

So much of what I did felt empty, and the results were hit and miss.

Or, I would create good results, but burn myself out in the process.

I knew there was something more.

And it wasn’t just me. Friends expressed the same challenges. It was like we’d only received part of the instruction manual.

Fast-forward a few years and I finally found it — that missing piece — in the very last place I would have ever thought. 

What was it?

God/Source/Spirit. But it’s more than just that. It’s the interworking of the relationship itself. In all of my years no one had ever taught me this information. In fact, it actually goes against the way I thought manifestation worked.

This became the foundation of my unique version of manifestation that combines energetics and quantum principles with spirituality. 

Become the woman who — of course — has the life she desires

If you are ready to upgrade and finally create the life and business you know is meant for you, this is the place.

Imagine how your life and business would change with:

:: Instead of trying so hard to get your desires … elevate your identity and become the woman who would have them. (And see that this is the true path of sustainable increase!)
:: Security of trusting Divine guidance is always available, and understanding how to access it by knowing your unique role in manifestation
:: Calm clarity that comes from leaning into your soul’s message so you can stop staring at the blinking cursor and finally know what to say
:: Joy of spending more of your time in a state of inspiration doing truly meaningful work that might even have you looking forward to Mondays!
:: And when you need to sell … understanding how to utilize grace and ease (with zero pushiness) through the art of Serene Selling™ so that you can increase your earnings with integrity

Because your life is meant to be more than just getting through. That might be enough for some, but you and I are different. We’ve always known there was something more available. Turns out: we were right!

BTW: I eventually manifested the $10K that was my true desire at the time, and vastly beyond that since then. 

If you know you’re being called to more, that summoning is a signal that will not be silenced. You are being guided to your greatness.

Spiritual + Energetic + Practical Strategies

My “secret sauce” that I’ve relied on for nearly my entire adult life has been the belief that it’s never just one thing. By the time I was at university I knew there was more to it. That means that while I have always leaned into the energetics (and then eventually the spiritual components) I also developed strong practical skills and strategies. Because I don’t believe in either/or. My experience has been that it’s all of the above. Energetic and spiritual PLUS practical.

Piper Larson

I’ve spent years developing practical business strategies. I even hold a bachelor’s degree in Advertising with a minor in Marketing. While in corporate I was the #1 sales rep in the world for our lead product and worked as a sales trainer. In my own business, I’ve helped my clients book new business within hours after our calls, just by them making a few simple strategic + energetic shifts.

Claim the Life and Biz You KNOW is Meant for You

I help my clients discover how to access Divine guidance in business and life, elevate their identity and tap into the energetics of their goals … all combined with practical strategies to move forward quickly.

Elevate your identity to create a life of meaning and money. Plus, discover the practical elements of Serene Selling™ to book your ideal clients with grace and ease.

Because it’s time to experience the empowered serenity that comes from moving forward in confidence. No more second-guessing.

This is your moment to create the life and business you desire — the reality you’ve always known is meant for you. A life that has you springing out of bed in the morning because you can’t wait for what’s next, and working with soulmate clients whose lives will be positively changed because of your work. Are you ready?

Get a customized blueprint for your next steps

If you are ready to start living the elevated version of your life and business. You know: that picture you can see in your mind, the one that’s currently on your vision board… it’s time. And it would be my honor to help you make it a reality.

Because you deserve a life that feels inspiring and free. You are meant for inner peace, and the knowledge that you are doing your purpose work in the world.

After all, your soulmate clients need the services you offer. They need your voice and your vision.

If you want my focus (and my years of real world, applied experience) on your life and business: Claim your FREE Cultivating Prosperity Clarity Call. It’s a complimentary 1:1 session with me where I’ll get to know more about you and your business. That will allow me to pinpoint refinements you can make that will help you immediately shift into the version of you who can create the life you desires. By the end of this call, you’ll walk away with up to three immediately implementable strategies to start embodying the identity of prosperity, plus practical steps to make it your reality.

This one free call can be enough to create massive positive movement in your life and business.It’s time for you to start getting paid beautifully for doing the work you love. Let’s do this! Just click the bottom below.

Apply today:

Women Are Saying


Piper quickly helped me see several ways I could enhance and grow my business. Since my first call with her, I’ve attracted more and more clients. In fact, after doing an abundance exercise Piper taught me I booked 2 new clients that SAME DAY!

Donna Crawford

Piper — You know I am madly in love with you. Your energy is so calming. So good. I am such a fan. I am such a fan.

Brooke Castillo

Piper Larson is a charming, accomplished, marketing-savvy madame who instinctively bridges the gap between ‘personal development’ and ‘business development’

Alexandra Franzen
Quote marks in circle

Before working with Piper, I thought there needed to be two versions of me, the lightworker and the salesperson. That kept me on a hamster wheel of trying to get ready to do something I didn’t want to do because I didn’t want to be pushy. Now I understand that I never needed to be anyone else but me. The strategies and methods she teaches are natural and doable which is why they work. This is my most profitable year yet! Piper’s guidance and support is a big part of that.

Paula Richard