For a woman to truly step into her power there is one behavior she must give up.
It’s not always easy, because it can feel justified. Trust me, I did it for years … I know it feels SO JUSTIFIED.
Chances are, this behavior even provides some sense of comfort.
But with it, nothing ever really changes.
I’m talking about believing that what happened to us gets to continually affect us. It’s blaming circumstances, individuals, experiences, etc for the present situation.
Because the problem is …
You can only change what you’re willing to claim.
Are you unknowingly giving away your power?
Ask yourself the following two questions:
- What in your life would you like to change?
- Why hasn’t that change happened yet?
Is it simply that you’re in the early stages of change? Or, is there something else?
When I mentioned “something else” in the previous sentence, what popped into your mind? Hint: there’s a good chance that your thoughts about the “something else” are the exact reason why change isn’t happening.
Are they the giving-away-your-power kind of thoughts?
Perhaps you’ve told yourself one of the following:
- My friends/family wouldn’t approve or will judge me
- I wasn’t taught the skills I’d need to do that
- I don’t have the time
- I didn’t get enough or the right kind of education
- I don’t have enough support around me
- It’s too late or I don’t have what it takes
Do any of the above sound familiar? Or maybe you have another version.
Is it true?
If you desire change, it’s important to recognize any barriers you might be creating by giving away your power.
Ask yourself if your reason for not creating the changes you desire is absolutely true.
Example: Maybe you want to become more visible in your business, but you had an experience in your past that makes visibility seem scary.
In this example, you would ask yourself the following:
Is it absolutely true that my previous experience means a similar outcome this time around?
If the answer is “no” that can cause a shift in your thinking, which can lead to a change in your actions. Do you see the window for change this creates?
By refusing to give away your power, you take back your control.
… And from that place, you can become the women who begins to create the changes she desires.