I used to have a linen closet that felt more like a treasure chest.

In it, were numerous sets of luxurious, high thread count, crisp, white sheets (with a sateen finish: my favorite!).

Another shelf was stacked high with thick, fluffy, Egyptian cotton towels.

And in that same closet were various fragrant, gift-quality, boxed candles. Each one, lovingly selected by me, from quaint little boutiques I visited while traveling around the country.

There was one problem with all of these items …

I wasn’t using them.

Instead, I just visited them from time to time. Running my fingers over the sheets, delighting in how cool they felt to the touch, taking in the exquisite scents of the candles, I had just one thought: someday.

Your Decision is What Makes You Ready

That closet, and several other areas of my home became like a time capsule. The only difference between my home’s time capsule and the one my high school buried in the park years ago, was that my time capsule was a vision of what I wanted, instead of a snapshot of what was.

I was waiting for something to happen to make me feel ready to live my desires.

Be honest. Are you doing this, too?

I think I carried the misguided belief that at some point I’d get a sign that I was finally ready to live the life of my dreams. Perhaps I thought it would be granted to me as a reward for achieving a certain level of success.

But no amount of success ever made me feel ready to be the women who slept on luxury sheets every night, or who burned $95 candles, just because.

Then one day I realized, the feeling of being ready is something we each have to create for ourselves.

The process of becoming is simply a result of our thoughts and actions. Nothing outside of us can, or will ever make us ready.

Becoming the woman you’ve always wanted to be starts with a decision.

It’s your choice, in every moment. And, your decision is what makes you ready.

Once you’ve made the decision, the process of becoming has two parts:

  • thoughts
  • aligned actions

That’s it. But, it’s important to note: it requires both components.

After all, thoughts without aligned action doesn’t accomplish much.

And when we take action that’s not aligned with our thoughts, the action can be difficult to maintain for any length of time. Or it can even lead to the experience of feeling like a fraud.

Who Are You Waiting to Become?

Is there a vision of yourself you’ve been waiting to embody? You don’t have to wait. Make the decision.

Then, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What thoughts would that version of you have?
  • What kind of actions would that version of you take?

Follow the guidance gained from your answers. Become the woman you desire to be.

You can create the life of your dreams whenever you want.

And by the way, as I write this, the scent of one of my magnificent candles is filling the air. I finally stopped waiting, and started becoming the woman I wanted to be. You can too.
