DQ, in the summer, directly across from the ball field. Busy is an understatement. Literally, busses pulling in after games. Customers lined out the doors. It was wild. 

And for little 16-year-old me on her first day of work, it was more than I could handle. I left that first shift and went home and went right to bed. My muscles weren’t used to running non-stop, for hours.

But within days, they were. 

Within a few weeks, it was like it was nothing.

Because I developed the muscles to do what needed to be done.

Confidence is just like that.

Confidence is a muscle you build.

The first time you do anything to get more visible in your business, it’s intense. Maybe you even feel like crawling in bed and pulling the covers over your head.

But the next time it gets easier. And a short time later, it simply becomes what you do. 

Keep doing it, and certain activities might even start to feel like no big deal at all.

That’s the confidence muscle growing. Just like muscles in our bodies, the confidence muscle must be used in order to grow.

  • Getting more visible
  • Talking about how you help
  • Making offers

Each part of growing your business and selling your services requires conditioning those confidence muscles.

I promise you: the more you work them, the easier it becomes.

The Secret Is …

The secret is to realize you weren’t supposed to be born with these muscles (or skills). That barely anyone has them without first creating them. That means you aren’t missing anything. You just need to create it. It’s what we all do. Step by step.

What’s one step you can take today to put yourself out there in a bigger way and start building your confidence muscles around sharing your services?

Can you do it right now?

If so, do it. Don’t wait another second.

You’ve got this!

XX Piper

PS: Want to unlock your sales confidence so you can do more of the work you love? Grab the Sales Confidence Quiz! It’s a free resource I made just for you.