“They’re as afraid of you as you are of them.” At least that’s what my mom used to tell me about various flying bugs that terrorized my younger self.

I’m still trying to decide if there was any truth to that. But ironically I want to tell you the same thing about sales conversations. 

In this case, I actually do know it to be true a great deal of the time.

In a conversation with a potential client, you are not the only one who’s nervous. The person on the other end of the call is oftentimes dealing with their own case of the jitters. They took a big step by arranging that call. And they have a good idea that parts of the conversation are going to take them outside of their comfort zone. But they took the step anyway.

So when you are feeling discovery-call-anxiety … take a breath and realize:
Chances are, they aren’t thinking about you at all. They’re too busy thinking about them.

They are — in that moment — living their very own scary story. 

Let that knowledge help free you from the fear of what they are thinking about you. Because again: they are probably thinking about them. I feel like I can’t say that enough. 

When you begin to know and trust in this, it allows you to focus on connecting with your potential clients. On hearing their problem that your service can help them solve. On being of service.

Which I’m sure is exactly how you want to show up anyway.

Next time you’re in one of those what-are-they-thinking-about-me moments, remember this message. They are probably more afraid of you than you are of them. And they are thinking about them much more than they’re thinking about you.

Keep those words in mind, and you can begin showing up fully in the energy of service.

You can do this!

XX Piper

PS: Want to unlock your sales confidence so you can do more of the work you love? Grab the Sales Confidence Quiz! It’s a free resource I made just for you.